By now you will have heard of TikTok. Marketing’s latest goldmine has taken the social media landscape by storm, creating new opportunities for brands and businesses alike.With 689 million monthly active users and new business accounts being launched everyday, TikTok is here to stay, so here’s how your brand can make the most of this … Continued
Environmental Issues and Modern Brands
In the modern world, the environment is in the spotlight. Many industries are adapting quickly to these new concerns, others are being dragged kicking and screaming, and some are refusing to budge at all.
We think as a modern brand, a focus on environmental impact isn’t just vital, but an opportunity. In this blog, we will explain why green issues matter for your business, and how you can use it to your advantage.
Shifting Public Opinion
The socio-political state of the world directly influences how your business should operate. Not keeping up with the ‘ethics’ of the time can let the competition push ahead, as consumers choose to spend their money with companies that they believe to be more moral. In extreme cases, poor practices can even cause significant and lasting controversy – a problem made much more severe by the increasing influence of social media.
Take, for example, the ‘Fairtrade’ movement. The exploitation of producers in other less-developed countries was becoming an increasingly hot topic. Fairtrade allowed certain brands to push ahead, guaranteeing that a more significant percentage of the money the consumer spent went directly into the hands of those who produced the product. Considering the fact that Fairtrade is still going strong 25 years later, clearly, there is profit to be found.
The current hot topic is undeniably the environment and our impact upon it. Being environmentally responsible is a very good look. Inversely, being environmentally irresponsible is not good for business. But don’t just take our word for it, there are statistics to back it up! The EU Commission published a report in September which found that 93% of European citizens found climate change to be a “serious issue”.
Making sure that we leave a clean planet for future generations is undoubtedly project we need to get behind as a species. However, there is no getting away from the fact that failure to contribute can have an immediate negative effect on our businesses.
Informed Citizens Equals Informed Decisions
People aren’t just more concerned about industry practices and their effects on the planet, but they are more informed about what you should and shouldn’t be doing as a business. From social media to traditional news coverage, there is always some new thing in the spotlight. Companies cannot ‘get away with’ things that might have been acceptable, or gone mostly unnoticed, even a few years ago.
Take plastic straws as an example. For decades the general public didn’t think twice about them, but in the last few years, they have quickly gained a reputation as enemy number one. While before not having straws in your bar was seen as lousy service, now they are demonised by a significant percentage of consumers and paper is the way to go.
Disposable coffee cups are the same. People are very clued up with the effect the hundreds of thousands of coffee cups we throw away every day is having on wildlife and the natural environment. Coffee shops, from small independents to huge corporations, are now advertising the fact they will fill your non-disposable cup and even offer other incentives for you to get involved.
These are just two of the countless examples of how the market is having to respond to the increasing green demands and expectations of the consumer.
Another important thing to note is that the majority of consumers are willing to pay more for products and services that are considered ‘sustainable’. Around 66% of general consumers are happy to pay a slightly increased price for green products, while 73% of millennials are.
The Growing Responsibility of the Individual
People aren’t just expecting companies and businesses to change their habits and practices, they are looking for ways that they too can minimise their impact on the planet. With this in mind, we created Rippl: an environmentally conscious water bottle brand.
As with plastic straws and coffee cups, plastic water bottles are very quickly falling out of fashion. With ‘refill stations’ popping up everywhere, it is getting easier and more popular to ditch the disposable bottles. You can now rely entirely on carrying your own water bottle with you.
However, Rippl’s philosophy goes above and beyond selling a fantastic and environmentally-friendly product. For a start, climate change and societal waste concerns drive all of our online marketing. By highlighting issues and encouraging discussion, we can make our philosophy clear and drive customer engagement.
Secondly, Rippl really does practise what it preaches. With each purchase, we will donate a proportion to an environmental charity. Our customers have the confidence that their investment is making an impact over and above reducing the amount of plastic waste they will produce.
Finally, we made sure that the suppliers we use for Rippl products use eco-conscious manufacturing techniques. This reduces the carbon footprint of each bottle to an absolute minimum. Furthermore, each delivery arrives in entirely paper-based packaging.
Rippl us an example of how the growing need for industry to consider the environment can actually be used to benefit your business. It shouldn’t be seen as an obstacle that your company has to overcome, but a new marketing opportunity that your business can use to its advantage. We can all take steps to reduce our impact on the environment, let’s start shouting about it and stand out.
To learn more about Rippl, click here.