By now you will have heard of TikTok. Marketing’s latest goldmine has taken the social media landscape by storm, creating new opportunities for brands and businesses alike.With 689 million monthly active users and new business accounts being launched everyday, TikTok is here to stay, so here’s how your brand can make the most of this … Continued
Red Desk Reviews: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

As a digital-based agency, we managed to keep homeworking disruption to a minimum at Strive Digital. In fact, we have facilitated flexible out-of-office working for months and made the decision to work from home well in advance of government guidance.
This transition to full remote working couldn’t have been smoother, and we are in for the long haul – we’ll stay at home as long as it takes to beat this virus and protect our NHS. Although what it did mean, for many of us, was setting up a home office and, well, let’s just say some attempts were better than others.
Some of our team decided to share their desk efforts with the rest of the staff. In this Red update, we are going to take a look at these varied efforts, and mark each out of ten.
Andy Rogerson – Designer
First up, we have Andy Rogerson, who seems to have a home office that is nicer than our actual office. Clean, dual-screens, a laptop that seems to be floating, and what looks like a bottle of vodka on-hand? Fantastic effort – 10/10.

Craig Whiteford – Creative Director
Next we have Craig’s effort. Let’s just say our creative director could take some creative direction. No wall art, no floating laptop, and no bottle of vodka. The double Strive Digital branding won’t help this effort to stand out – 5/10.

George MacKay – Business Development Manager
Much like George himself, his working-from-home setup has clearly been designed for comfort over speed. Although we will have to give a one-point penalty for the excessive second lamp (the Greta rule), we’ll add an additional point for the very British pillow during a national crisis – 7/10.

Matthew Ferguson – Digital Marketing Manager
A sublime effort from the backbone of the company here. Matthew has taken a utilitarian approach to his home desk, with an old-fashioned mechanical keyboard for efficiency over design, and a France ‘98 mug to hark back to simpler times, reminding us all of why we need to stay inside. Oh, and not a lamp in sight – 8/10.

Kirsty Maclean – Designer
Kirsty’s desk was initially going to receive a near-perfect score due to her commitment to hygiene. Not only are their tissues at-the-ready, but there’s even a bottle of hand sanitizer in plain view. However, having now noticed the skeletal hoodlum to the right of the desk, I’ll need to impose a two-point reduction due to excessive spookiness (the Ghoul rule) – 6/10.

Paul Weatherston – Lead Developer
Now this is the desk of a modern man, and we’d like to pay special attention to the single energy-efficient lamp creating a cosy and productive ambience (George, please take note). Unfortunately, we will have to disqualify this entry due to the ongoing investigation into whether Apple paid Paul for the sheer amount of product placement in this photo – –/10